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NMSC-ISAC 1/2 Day Seminar - April 28, 2015

  • 28 Apr 2015
  • 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM (EDT)
  • DSCI, 6175 Guardian Gateway, APG, MD 21005


Registration is closed

Please plan to attend our upcoming 1/2 Day Seminar

DD254 Training

Controlled Unclassified Information Briefings

Guest Speakers:

Christine Beauregard, Defense Security Service (DSS)

Mark Riddle, ISSO



$25.00 Non-NMSC Members

$20.00 NMSC Members

Includes Continental Breakfast


8:30 AM - 8:55 AM:  Registration, Breakfast & Networking

8:55 AM - 9:00 AM:  Opening Remarks

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM:  DD254 Training (1 CEU)

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM:  Break

10:10 AM - 12:40 PM:  Controlled Unclassified Information Briefing (2.5 CEUs)

12:40 PM - 12:45 PM:  Closing Remarks

(Total of 3.5 CEUs as approved by Jim M)



Registrations will be accepted through
April 24, 2015. 

 Directions to DSCI on Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)

Non-Federal Government Visitors can only access APG via the Maryland Boulevard Gate (Rt. 715) and must report to the visitor’s center to obtain a visitor pass.  All others with a valid DOD ID (Military ID, CAC, RAPIDGate pass) may report directly to the security checkpoint.


Please plan on being at DSCI by 8:30 AM, and allow yourself 30 minutes to get through the visitor's center/checkpoint process.

From points South:

I-95 to Exit 80 (Belcamp) MD 543 South
MD 543 South will end at US 40
Take US 40 East (bear to the right at the light)
Exit on MD 715 – there will be a sign for MD 715/APG Gate Visitor Center

    Once on MD 715, you MUST report to the APG Visitor’s Center with driver’s license, vehicle registration, and address of where you are going on Post, (DSCI, 6175 Guardian Gateway, APG, MD 21005).

    If you reach the canopy check point (5 lane structure) you have gone too far and will need to turn around and return to the visitor center to check in.

    Once you have processed through the Visitor’s Center you will need to pass through the Security Check Point and immediately get in the far left lane.  There are two lights, the first is the barrier light and the second is a regular traffic signal.  Make a LEFT turn at the first light, Deer Creek Loop.

    Make your first LEFT onto Guardian Gateway and follow that road around the bend until you see building 6175 on the right.  The main entrance is 6175 Guardian Gateway, Suite E.  Please enter through that door.


    For more information, please contact the Northeast Maryland Security Council at



    We look forward to seeing you there!

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